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How Shapewear is Important for Our Body Shape?

You definitely want a body shape that suits any fashion style. But with so much reasons we need to be strategic also, how we get shape witho...

Rella Sha 13 Feb, 2023

Trend Roster untuk Bangunan Jadi Lebih Cantik

Belakangan ini, penggunaan roster dalam bangunan naik daun lagi. Saat jalan-jalan melewati area hunian baru dengan desain kekinian, pemakaia...

Rella Sha 13 Feb, 2023

[Review Drakor] Money Heist Korea: Joint Economic Area Part II

FULL SPOILER!! Setelah review Money Heist Korea Part I sudah pernah saya tulis di blog ini, saatnya review Money Heist Korea Part II yang...

Rella Sha 1 Feb, 2023

Know Your Late 30's Body Shape, Ladies!

What sucks about being in your late 30s is that your body isn't as flexible as it was before. If in the past it was easy for you to go o...

Rella Sha 15 Jan, 2023

Pentingnya NIPT Test Saat Hamil untuk Deteksi Kelainan Janin

Apa itu nipt test bisa jadi kurang familiar bagi saya dan ibu-ibu yang anak-anaknya kelahiran di bawah 2020. Kalau sekarang, ada artis Aure...

Rella Sha 9 Jan, 2023

These Shapeswear Pieces Are Curvy Women's Top Picks

If you are a curvy girl, you know that there are clothes that need a few extra touches of support to make it look the way you want, clothes ...

Rella Sha 28 Des, 2022 1

Ketagihan Sambal Ny. Rara yang Pedasnya Nggak Kira-Kira

Trimester awal kehamilan ini saya ngerasa badan payah banget. Kerjaan sehari-hari cuma ngantuk dan lemas. Selain itu juga mabuk dan mual, ra...

Rella Sha 27 Des, 2022