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Day 9 : a photo you took

Ini masuk kan? pan gue yang mencet tombolnya pake kaki...ahahaha.  Foto box hore-hore-bahagia lah.

Rella Sha 13 Jul, 2013

Day 8 : a photo that makes you angry/sad

Zzzzzzzz. Can't think any one of it.  Sudah skip sajalah ya hari ini.  Xoxo - si pemalas -

Rella Sha 11 Jul, 2013

Day 7 : a photo that makes you happy

They're the source of my strength and happiness.  Sleeping time, a quiet moment... dimana emaknya bisa beberes, ngurus diri,...

Rella Sha 10 Jul, 2013 1

Day 6 : School is Cool !

Kebanyakan baca referensi kapan usia ideal anak masuk sekolah, masuk preschool dulu atau tidak, homeschooling atau publik, sampe anak butu...

Rella Sha 9 Jul, 2013

Day 5 : My Fave Quotes

Nothing is permanent.... from  here "Fa inna ma’al ‘usri yusra. Inna ma’al ‘usri yusra” *contekan lain monggo, ada di a...

Rella Sha 4 Jul, 2013 1